Summer camp
Greeting all the hockey players who want to achieve their goals!
We would like to invite you to SUMMER CAMP 2021 which will take place in 6 terms at the ICE HOCKEY ARENA in Lamac, where we will take the advantage of all the facilities offered to us by this sport arena (exterior multifunctional training playgrounds and ice rink).
Simply everything at hand and thanks to this advantage there will be plenty of time left for extending new experience.
The main priority of the summer camp 2021 is to achieve the individual progress of every single hockey player who puts on his ice skates during the summer. On-ice and off-ice trainings will be enriched by high quality shooting practice as well as the stickhandling practice.
Our aim is not only to introduce the new exercises to hockey players but in addition with the help of the video records of each individual’s ice skating to help each participant who will take part in our camp.
There will be the individual testing at the beginning and the end of the camp which will help us to point out the progress or regress of performance in the graphic detail after taking part in our summer camp.
1st term: 05. 07. - 10. 07. 2021
2nd term : 12. 07. - 17. 07. 2021
3rd term : 19.07. - 24.07.2021
4th term : 26.07. - 31.07.2021
5th term : 02.08. - 07.08.2021
6th term : 09.08. - 14.08.2021
Place : Ice Hockey Stadium and the Sport Arena in Lamac in Bratislava
Meeting time: according to the schedule ( each participant will receive one )
Training on the ice:
improving of handling hockey stick and the puck
stickhandling, dekes, passings, fakes, the direction change in speed, covering up, stickhandling with one hand,...../ -
ice skating excercises to prolong the skating stride, the right use of ice skates edges and agility skating
exercises focused on:
developing the hockey sense and support
developing of agility and coordination
excercises developing the abilities of the player to shoot with pressure to a goal
/rebounding, deflecting, screening and the overall orientation in a goal area/
4. playing in a small space taking the advantage of the limited and changed conditions
5. goalie practicing (led by the goalie coach)
Outdoor practice:
6. Intensive shooting practice
7. practice focused on the developmnet of :
compensation exercises
stick handling practice
The main aim of the trainings is the consistent improvement of the individual skills of the player and their in-depth preparation for the new season 2021/2022 in order to be able to achieve the best results possible.
Every player will be provided with:
original CE-HOCKEY ACADEMY T-shirt and the package including fruits, food supplements, badge with our logo and the helmet sticker
there will be provided refereshment in between the practices in form of buffet style with sandwitches, sweets and fruits
the drinking regime will be provided by the Gatorade company with their ion-supply drinks
(it is neccessary to provide the human body the important minerals and salts during the extensive trainings)
participants will be served every day the high quality and nutritious lunch meals in the restuarant placed right at the ICE HOCKEY ARENA.
The jerseys will be the part of our offer, therefore it’s not neccessary to bring the player’s own jerseys.
Camps are devoted to the players born 2004-2016.
The players will be devided into the groups according to their age and performance. There will be max. 3 players per 1 coach
We guarantee the individual approach and the professionality.
The coach team consists of experienced players from the overseas. Our team is enriched by the figure ice skater (multiple champion of Slovakia) and the Pilates coach (who focuses on the firm body holding and the professional stretching – currently he is the personal coach of Attila Vegh).
Not only is the personal progress of each player very important for us, but health and the security of each player/child as well and therefore there will be medical staff present all the time during the trainings.
Price: 350,- Euros
There is a possibility to prepay the personal coach for all on ice practices + 200 Euros.
Once you sign in, please pay the deposit in the amount of 200,-Euros to the below mentioned bank account. Please note the hockey player’s surname and the year of birth ( e.g. URBAN2012).
The remaining payment you may either pay in cash at place or you can make payment transaction to the bank account (in such a case please bring the copy of bank transfer with you).
Payment to the VUB bank account:
IBAN: SK11 0200 0000 0043 8735 8055
Penalty terms and conditions:
Cancelling till 1st July 2021, 0 Euro penalty.
Cancelling till 3rd July 2021, penalty of 40% of the total price.
Cancelling after 3rd July 2021, penalty of 60% of the total price.
In case you find the substitute for the player, you do not pay penalty.
In case the camp will be cancelled due to COVID 19, all the deposits will be paid back.
Sign in at e-mailovej adrese: camp@ceha.sk
Include the following information in the email:
Name/Surname of the player:
Year of birth:
Size of T-shirt and jersey:
Hockey stick side:
Intolerance of particular food:
Note: .......write down anything that is important and you think that we should know. 😊
If you have any further questions, please do not hesiate to contact us at: 0918 955 872
Please register upon arrival in order to receive a T-shirt, a bag with refreshment and a jersey.
Looking forward to meeting you all!
CE Hockey Academy.